How to Budget for Marketing: Top Hacks for Veterinary Businesses

I spent 20 years in retail and so I know first hand the trials and tribulations of trying to get that balance of riding low and superfluously high footfall, desperately trying to rally people in one minute and then wondering how on earth we'd ever manage to serve everyone and still get home in time to have dinner before crashing out.

Funnily enough managing your online presence and working out where to allocate your marketing budget is not much different to how you'd manage your day to day marketing activities in your physical/offline store. Whether its clicks or bricks the pillars are the same; you need clients to generate revenue and you need revenue to invest in sparkly hooks to capture new clients.

How Does Online Marketing Differ to Offline?

Much like post cards and leaflets through letter boxes, paid ads in print and posters in local corner shop windows, your digital endeavours are not so different. Except instead of letterbox fodder you have social media, instead of physical print you can use Search Engine Optimised blog posts and instead of a Filofax and postcard stack you can now utilise a whole host of tools from within one single Client Relationship Management (CRM) dashboard.

Where Veterinary Businesses Should Start

I recently lead a session for SPVS in their new 'Grow Your Business' stream. The session covered How to Budget for Marketing and although the topic may seem a little dry, especially for a creative like myself, the talk garnered a good host of people, desperate to be offered any top hack for veterinary businesses. For most marketing is a bit of a unicorn; you hear all these fantastic stories about how wonderful it is, but you never seem to physical see it. And that's because most people that are good at it, gate keep what they know! Since transitioning out of Retail and into the world of Marketing in Veterinary over the past (almost) decade I've worked with a lot of pet health groups and start ups from Purina to Cath Kidston Pet, PetMedix to PetsApp and I've learned that for pretty much all the key pillars remain the same!

Top Marketing Hacks for Veterinary Teams

Top Hacks for Veterinary Businesses

If you'd like to review the presentation slides for Naomi's session, simply drop her an email at: or to see the full session recording head over to the SPVS membership page today and sign up. A years membership with full access to their resources library is only £372.90 per year, with access for up to 3 team members. Alternatively request to download Naomi's new and free to access e-book covering all budgeting hacks for marketing in veterinary, covered in the SPVS Growth stream.

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How PetsApp Can Help Reduce Your Marketing Budget

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