Free recording - Clients are always right… if you have the right clients

You'll leave with three key learnings:

5 reasons the client is NOT always right

4 criteria to ensure you get the ‘right’ clients

3 ways to select and retain the best clients for your practice

In the world of veterinary business, managers and employees strive for excellent customer service, for pleasing clients and, thus, obtaining good patient care and profit for the business. But of course, this client experience needs to be addressed in balance with the other, equally important practice outcomes of clinical care (cases), commercial viability (cash) and team harmony (culture).

So instead of recruiting as many clients as possible and hoping that some turn out ‘right’ maybe we can focus on systems and processes that select for, and encourage, the right clients for your practice. What does that look like? And how can we balance this around top notch patient advocacy and the achievement of clinical goals?


Speaker Biography

Alan Robinson BVSc MRCVS DMS - Director, Vet Dynamics

Alan Robinson B.V.Sc. MRCVS DMS is a vet and independent practice management consultant. Alan has been a veterinary surgeon in practice for 20+ years, a successful business consultant for 18 years to over 1000 practices and a director of Vet Dynamics. His mission is helping independent practice owners improve performance and quality of life in practice.

What sets Vet Dynamics apart from other veterinary business education groups are the personalized resources we have developed around our four areas of focus: Practice performance, Business Intelligence, Leadership & Culture and Team Engagement.

“I believe most practice owners are working much too hard, for far too long and for much too little reward, because of inefficiency, frustration and poor profitability in your veterinary business."

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